About Us
​The Community Alliance of Spring Garden - East Deutschtown is a grassroots community organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for its members by organizing and encouraging efforts to revitalize the residential and commercial districts; by leading and supporting greening and beautification efforts; and by providing or supporting events and programs that promote public safety, volunteerism and community pride.
We are the officially-recognized Registered Community Organization (RCO) for the Northside neighborhoods of East Deutschtown and Spring Garden. Our boundary is defined by I-279 in the west, the Allegheny River to the south, Vinial Street and Troy Hill to the east, and Spring Hill and Reserve Township to the north.
Get Involved!
Joining CASGED is easy! If you are a resident, business owner, or own property in Spring Garden or East Deutschtown, we encourage you to get involved.
Join us at our monthly Community Meetings to get updates on what is happening around town and have your voice heard. Visit out Events page to RSVP!
Our committees meet monthly and we would love to have you involved.
Community Planning & Development
Safety & Infrastructure
Community Engagement & Events
You can find the committee meetings listed on our event calendar or email us at info@casged.org for more information.
Donating to CASGED is easy! We accept monetary and in-kind donations. Use the button or Contact us to find out how!
We are always looking to partner with local businesses on events. Donations such as food & beverages, as well as the supplies to serve them are always needed.
Follow Us!
Follow us on Social Media to keep up-to-date with conversations within the community and events.
Aside from volunteering your time to participate on one of our committees, we are always looking for volunteers to canvass the neighborhood talking about special events, volunteers to work with the events team, and the CASGED Cleanup Team meets monthly to help keep our neighborhood looking good. Food City is also in need of volunteers to help cultivate our community garden and green spaces.
Board of Directors
If you are interested in joining the Board of Directors, simply attend three monthly Community Meetings. Members in good standing can vote and run for a board position.